Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Out of town visitor

Mommy's high school friend Jennifer came to visit us during my second week home. She brought along her daughter Emma. Can you believe this chick is only 7 months older than I am? Well, I can't!

To be honest, I was experiencing a bit of a Napoleon complex that day. I'll just have to eat more and bulk up before the next time that I meet Miss Emma. I guess I'll need to start demanding more supply from Mommy. Oh, Emma did tell me that there is a world of great tastes beyond milk. But Mommy put her foot down again on experimenting with solid foods.

Miss Emma lives in Orlando -- which I have learned is home to Disney World. I don't know what this world of Disney is yet, but I hear it's the happiest place on Earth. I'm certainly willing to give that a try. Hey Mom when will I be big enough to go to Disney World?

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