So I realized recently that I hadn't introduced my new guy friend. That's right it's not all about the ladies anymore. I mean the girls are great, but sometimes you just need a bud to talk to. Someone who understands what it's like to a boy in this pink-frilled baby world.

This is Owen. He's pretty cool. He's ultra-serious though. That's why I decided to show him how to chill. Also he's not as familiar with the opposite sex, so I taught him a few of my classic moves. See, he's taking it all in... I am like an Obi Wan to his Luke.

Damn! Look at him move in on my girl Georgia. That's just not right, man. Seriously, uncool!
Well, at least, we know he's a good student. Much better than that whiny Luke boy.
Hey, Mommy just reminded me that I have Uncle named Owen. I hope he doesn't try to steal my girl too! Wait, Mommy said that Uncle Owen is a one-woman man now. I can't wait to meet my Uncle Owen next month. Maybe he can teach me a few new tricks with the ladies since it seems I might a have some competition now.