Despite a lack of a chimney, Santa found his way into my house! On Christmas morning, I woke up to find a whole bu

nch of presents under the tree. And if you want more proof, there's the fact that only crumbs wer

e left on the plate I left out for Santa.
However, I have a strong feeling that Daddy ate some

of them. He kept grumbling about Grammy's waistline busting ways! But I say, don't steal Santa's cookies if you are so worried about your figure.
I had loads of fun opening my gifts. And I quickly got to work playing with them. I also got some boring gifts like sippy cups, shoes and clothes. But come on, Christmas is about the toys!
Mommy and Daddy let me play all afternoon as they packed up for our trip to Indiana. The plane was so empty that I didn't even have to sit on anyone's lap. So I got to kick back and think about how much fun I was going to have with all my new toys.