Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, I got dressed up in an outfit the same color as my new favorite food. Okay, pears are still my favorite food to eat. But peas are my favorite food to play with.
We went to Grammy and PopPop's house. I was a big hit! Everybody loved playing with me. In fact, I played so much with my family that I skipped a couple naps. Oops!
Despite being super tired, I was a very good baby. I played in my exersaucer while everybody ate. I can't wait to sit at the table next year. There was some yummy looking food up there.

1 comment:

Beth O said...

Aww... Peas are popular here too.

By the way, I love that Liam has a Grammy and PopPop - that is what I called my grandparents! I hope we'll see you guys soon.